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This is our list of best stocks under 100 dollars to buy that have growth potentials and can be held for long or short terms gains. Click the stock symbol to view the minmum/maximum buying and stop loss prices and other deatils.Name | Gain(Loss)% | Current Price($) | Entered Price($) | Enteted Date |
Name | Gain(Loss)% | Current Price($) | Entered Price($) | Enteted Date |
KO | +9.82 | 68.87 | 62.71 | 01-17-2025 |
HOOD | +75.20 | 65.28 | 37.26 | 12-31-2024 |
The stocks are kept in the list as long as they do not trigger the 8% stop loss rule or at the minimum make 5% gain in 3 weeks or 20% gain in 12 weeks.