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Profit/Loss Projection:
Position will be closed ANYTIME when it post 8% loss i.e. closes below $.
Position will be closed if the stock does not post 5% gains i.e. priced $ by January 22,1970.
Position will be closed if the stock does not post 20% gains i.e. priced by March 26,1970.
Secondary Entry Points:
February, 19, 2020: The secondary entry price would be between $56.04 – $58.84 and stop loss @ $51.56.
July, 06, 2020: The secondary entry price would be between $1 – $1.05 and stop loss @ $0.92.
October, 27, 2020: The secondary entry price would be between $1 – $1.05 and stop loss @ $0.92.